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Image by Quang Tri NGUYEN

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics, is the technical term for teeth straightening and if you are reading this as a parent something that you are likely to need at some point for your children.


Some of our policies include a level of orthodontic  cover, but we would like to make it clear that it would not cover a full treatment as, especially for adults, it is considered to be cosmetic.  If this this is something that you would like to be included in your policies, please let us know and we can show you the best available options.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?


Braces or teeth aligners are the most commonly used methods in orthodontic treatment.  Braces are used to straighten, and aligners are thin, flexible mouthguards that are removable.  


Orthodontics is a specialist treatment and can only be carried out by a trained orthodontist.  Your dentist may offer this, but it is important to check for the best orthodontist available to you.


What are the different types of orthodontic treatment?


There are two main types of braces – fixed and removable.

  • Fixed braces can be metal or clear and sit on your teeth and are attached with brackets and wires. They’re one of the most common types of braces because of their predictable and reliable results. Fixed braces are used for NHS orthodontics, but they are also fitted privately in adults too. As well as traditional metal fixed braces, other options include lingual braces and ceramic braces, which are fixed on your teeth but are less visible than traditional fixed braces.

  • Removable, Near-invisible or clear braces are aligners (moulds) that attach to your teeth that can, over time, straighten your teeth. Since they’re clear, they’re nearly invisible, which means it’s not obvious that you’re straightening your teeth.

  • Examples of clear aligners include Invisalign, which uses a series of virtually invisible, custom-made aligners that gradually straighten your teeth without using any metal wires or brackets.

  • Removable braces are clear aligners which resemble retainers, which you can take in and out whenever you need to. Removable braces are more commonly used when treating the upper teeth only, as their capabilities are fairly limited compared to other braces.


As there is a variety of orthodontic treatments available, it is always important to discuss things fully with your orthodontist before deciding on the best option.


How long does orthodontic treatment take?


The length of your orthodontic treatment is very dependent on the condition of your teeth and whether you are a child or an adult.  


On average leaving 24 months to achieve the results you are looking for is what we would recommend.


When you commence your treatment, your orthodontist should give you a clear picture of what is involved in the treatment, the duration and the expected end result.


If you would like to find out more about how dental insurance could help you and your employees, please contact us today.



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